Eating Styles
E. Buchmueller, I. Calderon, N. Gutierrez, C. Seidel
This animation about eating styles shows the differences between Germany and the United States. The emphasis lies on the typography that is used to visualize the different main topics like portion sizes, health or meals.
In the end one important commonality is shown in the audio layer: that we're all hungry.
K. Low, S. Reiner, R. Vogel, Y. Zhu
After discussing extensively the similarities and stereotypes of ecology in both countries, we decided to focus on recycling. In our animation we wanted to express that Germans think Americans don't recycle at all and vice versa but in the end we all recycle quite similarly. Only the colors of the recycle bins are different. In the end it came out that students in San Francisco take recycling and their environment very seriously. As a consequence of this we formed our animation into a campaign with the slogan "Do the right thing. Recycle".
A. Braun, H. Guillford, R. Carlyle, M. Maier, S. Tan
Our team's topic was family life in America and Germany. What at first seemed to be a rather dull subject, soon turned out to offer more than enough room for discussion. While - contrary to our expectations - differences between the two countries were discovered to be rather small, both Germany and America showed similar contrasts within their respective societies. We decided to have a look at the treatment of unusual family models. How does society see large families, families founded by homosexual partners and those with partners who immigrated to their countries. The final movie shows this last aspect and analyzes what it can mean to grow up as a child of parents with mixed ethnicities.
M. Gerke, J. Gurbandt, B. Nunez, A. Yu
The Team started out by defining the global stereotypes concerning both of the countries: America is often seen as the "world police", involving itself in every conflict everywhere in the world and Germans may be still seen as "Nazis" although World War II has been over for more than 60 years. When we came to our project work, we found out quickly that both countries are alike in the way their armed forces are trying to attract young people around our age and to persuade them to join the armed forces. Seeing these efforts, we all agreed that we wanted to spread awareness that war and the armed forces in general were not only fun and adventure, as their advertisements show them to be.
A. Atilla, K. Collett, E. Wong, S. Schmid
The animation "Patriotism" presents the German and American self-perception and the values and symbols they are proud of. Patriotism is a positive feeling if it is rooted in identity. What makes us Germans and Americans are the things that we love.