This workshop emphazized the interaction between Indonesian and German media design students. The topic was kinetic typography of Indonesian proverbs and their equivalents in English. As an option German equivalents could be added.Proverbs are very rich in illustrating the cultural background they come from. They often come from daily life and refer very much to the language of the culture and the tradition of the region. Since the workshop took place on Java in Yogyakarta the local culture had some influence on the choice of the proverbs.
Indonesian and Javanese cultures are based on values such as sense of togetherness, importance of family that includes the extended family, social harmony vs. personal freedom, tolerance, flexible time management, hierarchy awareness and conflict prevention, to name just a few. And of course globalization has found its way especially to the big cities such as Jakarta and is gradually changing the society there and its values.
Today, designers are required to design not only for their home countries but for the global market as well. It is important for them to learn to experience how other cultures react to their visual concepts in a professional context, which is one of the goals of my intercultural workshops. The diverse culture of Yogyakarta, provides our German students with an excellent opportunity to experience an example of our modern global society. Intercultural exchanges and creative interaction allow designers to extend and enhance their professional horizons.
Project topic / result:
The typographical module with optional audio elements is created from typography, illustrations, 3-D animations, and graphic elements culminating in a collage of images and animations or a stop motion movie.Methods to be used:
The workshop is divided into 3 parts:a) warm-up phase: introduction, becoming acquainted with the exchange partners and viewing their presentations.
b) conceptual phase: creation of mixed teams with German and Indonesian students, working on concept and storyboards
c) implementation phase: final production, presentation and evaluation
Sequence of steps:
1. Discuss the deeper meaning of the proverb. Identify the keywords of the proverb. Consider the cultural background from which the proverb comes. Research and define the problem.2. List synonyms and antonyms of the keywords of the proverb.
3. Think about images and sketch them.
4. Think about how the typography should look. Relate physical attributes such as heavy, light, static and loud to your keywords.
5. Develop at least 2 storyboards that express the meaning of the proverb. Be aware of the given proportion (Full HD) and make that part of the communication.
6. Work either with the English equivalent or your visual equivalent and relate it to the Indonesian proverb.
7. Before starting the final animation you should have a complete and detailed storyboard.
8. Add your audio recording to the animation.
9. Work on the presentation of your team project. Think about who is going to present different aspects of the animation including the development.
Throughout the workshop, the scholarly focus was on continuing development of individual design and animation skills; promoting self-initiative; and gaining awareness of the abilities of all team members and their appropriate integration in the team work. The ability to work as a design team in an intercultural context was the main perceived competence and learning target of the workshop. The learning content was kinetic typography.